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OOTD | Summer Shorts

Updated: Mar 15, 2022

Hi y’all! Happy Monday! I can’t believe this week it’s going to be August, time is flying by. I feel like the beginning of the summer took forever and then all of the sudden it disappeared. I am so excited for August but I’m also super nervous for flying to London!

I’ve been shopping for some clothes for London, particularly pieces that can be used for casual outfits or business outfits. This tube top I’m wearing, I plan on using for going out outfits and casual day outfits (like this look).

I love these shorts! I found them at Primark when they started putting out spring and summer clothes. These shorts are great for even the hottest days. The day these photos were taken I was sweating so much because it felt like it was 100° outside. 

Also, who thinks the mosaic walls are gorgeous?! If you’re ever in Philadelphia stop by the Magic Garden on South Street. It\’s such a beautiful area, plus the buildings and streets around it have mosaic all over the walls.

Thanks for reading, see you in my next post!


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